The trio of suspects are alleged members of the notorious Trinitarios gang OED, according to sources.

Kelwin Sanchez, 19, Raheam Steed, 22 and 23-year-old Jonadel Lakard were all charged with murder in connection to the May 23 drive-by shooting that claimed the life of Reda Girgis, police said. #fyp #fup #explore #breakingnews #washheightsģ3 Likes, TikTok video from ♾️4EVAURS♾️ "Three alleged gang members were arrested and charged Wednesday over the fatal shooting of a 66-year-old innocent bystander outside his son’s Upper Manhattan deli.

Three alleged gang members were arrested and charged Wednesday over the fatal shooting of a 66-year-old innocent bystander outside his son’s Upper Manhattan deli.