If you do not wish to make public comments via the Zoom platform, you can still stream the City Council meeting on MVTV-3, the City’s website at YouTube.To make public comments by telephone, the Mayor will identify you by your area code and last 3 numbers of your telephone number.Residents may also participate in the meeting by Zoom’s telephone call-in feature by calling any of the following numbers and entering the Zoom ID and Password provided:.Once the very quick installation has occurred, you may choose your audio source as either computer speakers/microphone or telephone.You may be asked to provide your name and a meeting passcode. Enter a Meeting ID number or a Personal Link Name (e.g. Click Join a Meeting at the top of the page. To join a live City Meeting: when you have the meeting ID and Password please visit click on Join a Meeting, enter the Meeting ID and Password, then run the Zoom launcher. Log in to with your Tufts username (e.g.If you want to make general comments on matters not on the agenda, please identify that as well.

In your email or phone request, please provide your first and last name, phone number, address (optional), and identify the meeting you wish to attend as well as the item(s) for which you want to make comments.

Moreno Valley residents can download Zoom software for computers or the mobile app for free. Now, Mayor Gutierrez has launched an innovative solution to allow residents to address the Council from a distance by using Zoom video conferencing software. The City of Moreno Valley has long aired City Council meetings live on its MVTV-3 cable channel and via live stream on its website and YouTube channel.